2021 Taewha River Eco Festival
Taewhagang National Garden
Oct. 14. 2021 - Nov. 7. 2021
Participating artists: Dongwan Kook, Siha Kim, Kim Young Woo, Inbai Kim, Tout à coup, Manal AlDowayan, Satoshi Murakami, Ye-eun Min, Aaditi Joshi, Emmy Skensved, Kyoung Jae Cho, Harold Mendez
Director: Soohee Park
Taewhagang National Garden
Oct. 14. 2021 - Nov. 7. 2021
Participating artists: Dongwan Kook, Siha Kim, Kim Young Woo, Inbai Kim, Tout à coup, Manal AlDowayan, Satoshi Murakami, Ye-eun Min, Aaditi Joshi, Emmy Skensved, Kyoung Jae Cho, Harold Mendez
Director: Soohee Park

I Always Return to the Other Place
5” tennis ball, string rubber band, steel/ ø25m ±2m
Commissioned by TEAF21, 2021
Photo © TAEF21
The artist accepts ‘home’ as an abstract concept
that’s based on the repeated action of entering and exiting. For this work, the
artist presents a 25m wide circle on a patch of grass at the Migratory Bird
Park, made of approximately 400 return balls tied to a two meter rope. Return
balls, obviously, return to their original place no matter what, and they are
used here to visualize the artist’s understanding that ‘home’ is a result of
habits. The balls serve two purposes: to physically mark a separation between
the outside and the installation work, and to function as a bundle of small
movable objects as viewers approach closer. Viewers are invited and encouraged
to randomly interact with the artwork and in turn generate movements through
their actions. Return balls each return in their own different ways, and the
circular space within constantly changes its shape, suggesting that the space
you leave behind at home not only transforms to reflect yourself but also goes
through multiple layers of simultaneous shifts and changes. And from here,
images of fragmentized individuals, along with the meaning of ‘home’ that’s
defined by common categories such as time, place and age, are revealed.

November 2nd, 2021, 2:00-2:25pm (25 min)
Ginkgo Garden (Taehwagang National Garden)
Performer: Tennis Player Jae Sung Choi (the winner of National Tennis Tournament 2021 - Men’s College Singles)
<Habitual> is a performance that is an extension of Inbai Kim’s work, <I Always Return to the Other Place>. Performer Jae Sung Choi uses a return ball with his racquet for 30 minutes at a fixed place. The performer has been training for a long time as a tennis player, and the repetitive training that he has undergone is related to habit, which affects the performance in various ways. When using a return ball, the movement of the ball in and out indicates a situation in which a person enters and exits the house. Numerous repetitions of ‘going out and coming in’, the tennis player’s use of the return ball, and the tennis function resulting from the player’s repeated training are expressed as overlapping while the performance continues. The function of the return ball and the tennis player’s use of it are partially excerpted from the memories of each individual’s training in and out of the house, showing the process of forming the concept of the artist.
Another point to note in this performance is the characteristics of the movement of the return ball. The return ball goes out and comes back, but it’s difficult to get it back to the exact same position. This characteristic of the tool represents the physical uncertainty of the ideal entity for home.
Another point to note in this performance is the characteristics of the movement of the return ball. The return ball goes out and comes back, but it’s difficult to get it back to the exact same position. This characteristic of the tool represents the physical uncertainty of the ideal entity for home.