As Two Half Moons Meet
BREAGA Artist Space
Oct. 17. 2018 - Nov. 11. 2018

Participating artists: Hyun Bhin Kwon, Inbai Kim, Eunjoo Rho, Soosung Lee, Fanhee Lee, Sueyon Hwang
Curator: gogodada curatorial collective

The Side of a Side
Plywood, vise, (plywood)0.9x33.3x191.6cm, (vise)3x16x89cm, 2018

Backside 1
Resin, aluminum, copper, stainless steel, wood
(resin, aluminum, copper, stainless steel)2x15x227cm, (wood)8x8x60cm, 2018

The Side of a Side
Plywood, vise, (plywood)0.9x33.3x191.6cm, (vise)3x16x89cm, 2018

The Three Quarter Profile of a Profile
Plywood, vise, (plywood)0.9x14x191.6cm, (vise)3x16x89cm, 2018

1. Select and sculpt the part corresponding to the back of the outline of a person’s profile, and install the sculpture in the space.
2. Then create drawings as a response to the work. This can be done by,
   a. Drawing the line that corresponds to the back view in the center of a square piece of plywood.
   b. Cutting the wooden board along the line.
   c. Layering the board on top of a square piece of paper and drawing on the uncovered section of the paper. This should be done repeatedly in respond to the line.
   d. When the paper is completely filled, remove the board and place the other half of the board on top of the paper.
   e. In the same way, draw the lines repeatedly, in order to completely fill the other side of the sheet. (Make sure that the side that has already been draw on is covered.)
3. Install the boards, which have been, or will be, used for drawing, in the space.

Backside 1-drawing 1
Mechanical pencil on paper, 140x195cm, 2018

©2025 Inbai Kim